The specialty of Family and Community Medicine makes a comprehensive assessment of the patient in the family and social framework, giving priority to health promotion and healthy living habits. We also monitor chronic diseases and palliative care.

Within our chapter dedicated to the promotion of health, our main effort is dedicated to the orientation of the population towards healthier lifestyles. Health problems associated with lifestyles and multicausality, are responsible for morbi-mortality  and deficits in quality of life.

We are responsible for providing comprehensive and continuous care to all individuals who request medical assistance, and may involve other health professionals, who will provide their services when necessary.

Our family doctors are able to coordinate with other specialists who work both at hospital and extrahospital levels, ensuring the proper functioning of the system.

In Family and Community Medicine we deal with the individualized attention of our patients, activities to promote health and for the prevention of chronic and more frequent diseases of the population.

In Magna Clinic our family doctors take care of both your and your family’s health, paying special attention to the pediatric age, both in childhood and adolescence.

We carry out a specific attention in the following areas:

Cardiovascular problems
Cardiovascular risk, chest pain, heart failure, stroke, smoking, oral anticoagulation, chronic venous insufficiency.
Attention to chronic problems
Diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, dementias, thyroid dysfunction, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, multi-pathological patient. At Magna Clinic we track our chronic patients in collaboration with our Internal Medicine department.
Cancer approach
At Magna Clinic we pay special attention to the preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic activities of the neoplasms that have the greatest impact on the population. We have the great collaboration of our Oncology department.

Breast cancer: from our practice of family medicine we pay special attention to a health problem that is so prevalent and that requires an early diagnosis. Any sign / clinical symptom of suspicion should be consulted: palpable nodule, pathological secretion and changes in the nipple-areola area. Any suspicious signs should be attended to in scans.

Cervical cancer

Prostate cancer

Skin cancer

Head and neck cancer

Colon cancer

Lung cancer

Attention to relevant infectious problems
Viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, notifiable diseases.
Prevention and health promotion
With special chapter to adult immunizations.
Care related to sexual health and reproductive stage
Attention to the pediatric age
Carrying out a follow-up in the infantile age, and treating the most frequent pathologies of the children. We have a pediatric service at Magna Clinic that supervises and attends to children.
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