Our clinic

The best environment to offer the best care

Pionner clinic in the use of deep oncological hyperthermia

Magna Clinic is located in Nueva Andalucia (Marbella) in the Magna Marbella residential, in a quiet environment, without any urban noise.

Pionner clinic in Spain of the use of Deep Oncological Hyperthermia, which allows the combination with any other oncological treatment, removing side effects while optimizing and multipying the benefits.

Located in an excellent environment, the city of Marbella, having a pleasant and mild microclimate all around the year, even for making any sport. Enjoying a mountain and sea landscape, intertwined with the wide gardens and a high standard turistic port.

We have a pick-up service for our guests, accommodation in different hotel categories, and to special accesible prices for our patients who come from further than Málaga or Marbella. We can set up an adaptive offer, depending on your quote.

We count with the best Medical and Surgery experts. A medical team higly selected and simultaneously trainned in biological medicine, a perfect addittion to your services, granting the results with their great experience and a large number of satisfied patients, over many years.

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